Like everything else in life, war has found a way to inject itself into the world of wikis. WikiMedia defines wikiwar as a scenario in which two or more parties disconnect from one another in disagreement over how content should be organized, what content should exist, and how a website (in our case, a wiki – or some other collaborative environment) should be managed, whereby these parties engage in tug-of-war tactics and waste large amounts of time and exert incredible energy into thwarting their rivals by undoing each other's changes or making it more difficult for each other to make changes. Once a wikiwar degenerates beyond its fatal threshold, one party will back down and submit, or else they will be blocked and banned.

Wikiwars are bad ideas all round. They are unproductive and destructive. They just aren't worth it. If there's a discrepancy on the wiki, ask other contributors about it or run it by whoever is in charge of oversight. Choose the diplomatic approach. It's just not worth the time, energy, emotion, or loss of progress to engage in a wikiwar.

There should also never be any turf wars on a wiki. Never let yourself become too intimidated to edit pages or reorganize content. If a mistake is made, it can be corrected. Nobody should get defensive over an area of the wiki, and nobody should succumb to the misguided assumption that they have "territory" on a wiki. If you don't know what you're talking about, you certainly aren't going to be editing a page for content that you don't understand – so that isn't a concern. If you aren't supposed to be editing a page or reorganizing certain pages, then those pages will be locked/protected by administrators – so what is there to worry about? Just try to be cautious and use your best judgment. When in doubt, ask another contributor (perhaps the last contributor to edit the page you're considering revising) or an administrator.

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